making memories that last a lifetime


Hey there, Fancy meeting you here.

Allow me to introduce myself.

I’m Hannah, and I want to be your photographer for life

Seriously. The best part about being a photographer is connecting with people like you and forming friendships that extend far past your photoshoot.

I want to hear your story. Hang with your family. Make memories last

Over and over again.

Hugging you in your wedding gown. Hiking up a mountain with you, 30-weeks pregnant. Snapping photos of your new baby’s tiny fingers and toes. Wrangling the whole crew for family photos. 

The best part?

You’ll always have someone who knows you, loves you, and gets how to make you look and feel your best to document every unposed, authentic moment. 

Want to get this friendship started?

This is the part of the website where people expect to see pictures of me and read “fun facts” and learn how I take my coffee. (In an IV, please.)

And I’m not one to disappoint. Here are some highlights:

I’m a mom of 2 boys

I play the guitar & the piano. 

I don’t wear uncomfortable shoes.

I actually like Mondays.

I’ll always be here to pray for you. 

We love because He first loved us

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A little more of my story...

I’ve always been obsessed with images.

As a kid, I’d sit on the floor and flip through my grandparents’ old photo albums, listening to them tell the story behind each picture. (We still do this, but I sit in a chair now. Because, kids.)

Their ability to recall moments they hadn’t thought about in years from one glance at a photograph fascinated me… 

I asked myself what I’d want to remember in 50 years. (The answer was everything.)So I started taking photos of everything. Both major and mundane.

I took clues from my great grandfather, who toted around a little film camera everywhere we went. 

He’d pose us in front of scenic backdrops (like in front of a soda display at Walmart...) and mail us the prints. 

His documentation is the reason I remember details that mean so much to me.

 My grandparents gave me a gift by instilling a love of photographs. 

Now I want to share that gift with you.

Frequently Asked

Choosing a photographer is a big decision. I want to be the easiest “yes!” ever. Take a look at these FAQs to learn more about how things work.


How long will it take to get my photos?

Your wedding gallery will be delivered within 6-8 weeks, with sneak peeks in 48 hours.

Galleries from all other session types are delivered in 2 weeks, with sneak peeks in 48 hours.

What’s your photography style?

Timeless. Natural. Deep, warm tones & gentle highlights flatter every angle.

My goal is for your photos to reflect you as you are. I’d rather you be unposed and capture real emotion than have you stand just so.

What’s a session with you like?

At a shoot with me, you can expect to laugh A LOT. Mostly at me. (I will act a fool in public to get a belly laugh. No shame in my game.

Do you travel?

You bet I do! Contact me and I’ll create a custom quote for your desired location.

*No travel fees within 50 miles of Sanford, North Carolina. )


I’ve got answers